State of .NET - State of AI and Machine Learning

Presenter: Markus Egger

This event took place on Wednesday, January 25, 2023.

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Machine Learning and Artificial Intelligence is everywhere these days. While some developers are still wondering how their app could benefit from these technologies, it is more accurate to wonder which apps can't be made better with these types of features.

This State of .NET event will take a look at what the latest and the greatest in Machine Learning is and how .NET developers can easily take advantage of it, without becoming mathematical geniuses or data scientists. Markus will take a look at the overall AI landscape and provide a high-level overview of the different types of AI (such as “shallow learning”, “deep learning”, and “General Articicial Intelligence” a.k.a. “GAI”) and how they currently apply to software capabilities and their impact.

In addition to an introduction to these concepts, this event will focus a lot on concretely using various concepts in today's software development as it relates to all software developers (without the need to focus entirely on AI development, or being a data scientist).

Wednesday, Jan 25, 2023 1:00pm ET (UTC-5)
Duration: 75 minutes (approximately)